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Dental Health and News

Temporary Fillings

Temporary Fillings

Everything You Need To Know About Temporary Fillings

Just like it says in the name, a temporary tooth filling is a filling for the purpose of protecting the tooth, before it can be replaced with a permanent filling, while your dentist works on restoring it. Temporary fillings shouldn’t be treated as a permanent solution and you’ll need to schedule a follow up appointment to have it removed and replaced.

Gum Grafting

Gum Grafting

Now a painless procedure

Gum grafting, which is also known as gingival sculpting or gum contouring/reshaping is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that involves reshaping and removing excess gum tissue around your teeth. The entire process is completely painless.

Do you need to use mouthwash?

Do you need to use mouthwash?

We discuss if mouthwash should form part of your daily routine

At this point we should all know what we need to do each day to maintain optimal oral health. Brush twice a day for two minutes and floss, floss, floss. But when it comes to mouthwash, there are still question marks. “Do I need to use it?”