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Pucker up! A Guide to Lip Fillers

When lip gloss just doesn’t cut it anymore

From scrolling through Instagram to walking through the city, you’ve probably noticed that lips are having a renaissance. If you’ve been considering a pump up, there’s a few things you should know to ensure it’s done right!

Qualified Practitioners Only

First and foremost, do not get your lips filled by someone that is not medically qualified. Sure, the price tag may be appealing but the risk of becoming botched becomes significantly higher.

Is it safe?

Just like any medical procedure, cosmetic injections are no different and there are some potential side effects to the injections, which are mainly superficial. The most common side effect is bruising, which generally fade in a few days.

Is there anything I should do before I come in for my lip fillers?

Don’t drink booze the night before as this can result in bleeding or more bruising. You should also avoid taking aspirin (check with your GP first), ibuprofen, vitamin E and fish oil supplements, as these are natural blood thinners, which, just like alcohol, can result in bruising.

What can I expect during the procedure?

At the beginning of the procedure, it feels a bit like a pinch and then it stings as the filler is being injected. Afterward, the doctor will massage your lips a little, ice them for about 10 minutes, and then let you go about your day. The overall procedure only takes about 15 to

20 minutes. Though your lips will be a little swollen at first, they will settle within about 24 hours and you will see the results of your lip enhancement almost immediately.

Does it hurt?

Everybody has a different pain threshold so the answer to this is different from patient to patient. Generally, the injections hurt a little, but anaesthetic is generally used for the very sensitive area around your lips which gives some relief. The procedure is quite quick though, so discomfort is short lived.

How long will my lip fillers last?

The effects of your new plump lips will typically last around six months. After that, more injections are needed to keep the volume of your lips. If you stop the treatments your lips simply return to their original state.

What kind of aftercare is involved?

Skip exercise for about 24 hours while the filler is settling into its new home and you may want to gently apply an icepack to assist with any discomfort or swelling. If you’re worried about any reaction whatsoever, get in contact for advice and avoid Dr. Google. 

Ok, I’m ready… How much will it cost?

How exciting! Lip fillers are from $275. Keep in mind that there may be factors which can vary or increase the cost of treatment, but our team will advise you of these during your consultation.


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