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The Downside of Missing Regular Checkups

From Little Things Big Things Grow

We’re not trying to tell you that the second you skip your check-up that your teeth will start falling out but, if you keep missing your appointments there is potentially months of additional plaque build-up and tooth decay which often results in more serious issues.

Whilst a check-up every six months should be very achievable; Paramount Dental Sydney understands there are multiple reasons that a person may want to avoid seeing us such as:

  • Embarrassment – don’t worry, we’ve literally seen it all and we’re here to fix, not judge.

  • Fear – Dentophobia is real and we understand how to work with it and have created a relaxing environment plus we have sedation options for more extreme fears.

  • Budget worries – Can’t afford it on the day? All good, we have payment options available to suit any budget!

Now that we’ve addressed some of the reasons not to come in out of the way, here are the reasons you SHOULD be jumping online to make an appointment


No matter how well you brush and floss, plaque is going to build up on your teeth. The longer the plaque is left, it will harden into tartar. Not only does tartar take away from your smile, it requires dental equipment to remove as it is generally too tough to get rid of at home. 

Gum Disease

Aside from bad breath (gingivitis), gum issues can be trickier to identify if you’re not a dentist. Regular check-ups will help identify gum disease early and stop it from developing into serious periodontal disease which could even result in jawbone and tooth loss.

Tooth Decay & Cavities

Left untreated, plaque build-up, bacteria and tartar can create the perfect storm and eat away at your tooth enamel which causes holes. If caught early, small holes can be easily filled however, if left untreated for too long the holes become larger and may result in you needing a crown or a root canal. A nasty toothache will remind you to finally make that appointment! 

Tooth Loss

Tooth neglect may result in your tooth reaching the point of no return and having to be removed. Replacement of the tooth can also be quite pricey!


Obviously one of the most serious conditions that may be identified early through regular check-ups. Oral cancer can be screened for in a dental exam and your dentist can direct you to the right kind of treatment.


You won’t always notice the presence of a mouth abscess yourself at home as it may even require an x-ray to identify. If left untreated abscesses can become infected which leads to major discomfort, pain and other health issues.

Not just the mouth

More and more studies show that our oral health effects the rest of our bodies and overall health with links to heart disease, stroke, diabetes and breast cancer.

So, there you have it…. a dental appointment twice a year may seem inconvenient at the time but, is it more inconvenient than everything we’ve listed above? If you have any concerns, our team is always ready to talk this through with you so don’t be afraid to contact us.


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