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8 Top Tips to get over your fear of the dentist

Don’t Fear, Paramount Dental Is Here

Are you one of those people who feel a knot in your stomach at the thought of visiting the dentist? If so, you're not alone! Dental anxiety is a common issue that affects countless individuals.

But fear not, today we are diving into the world of dentistry to uncover the top tips that will help you conquer your fear and make future dental visits a breeze. So grab a cup of tea, sit back, and let's explore the path to a fear-free dental experience!

1. Find a Caring Dentist

The first step in overcoming your fear of the dentist is to find a dental professional who understands and empathises with your anxieties. Some dentists specialise in treating patients with dental anxiety. But many dentists have an empathetic, trustworthy and gentle approach; you just need to find the right one. Read online reviews or seek recommendations from friends and family to find the right dentist who will make you feel comfortable and safe throughout your visit.

2. Communicate Your Fears

Remember, your dentist is there to help you, and open communication is key! Don't hesitate to express your fears and concerns before your appointment. By discussing your worries, your dentist can take extra measures to ensure your comfort. Together, you can establish a signal or agree on breaks during the procedure, giving you a sense of control and reassurance throughout the process.

3. Take Baby Steps:

If the idea of jumping into a complex dental procedure terrifies you, consider taking small steps towards overcoming your fear. Start with a routine check-up or a simple cleaning. These initial visits will allow you to build trust with your dentist and gradually become more comfortable in the dental environment. As you gain confidence, you can progress to more extensive treatments.

4. Understand the Procedure:

Knowledge is power, and this holds true when it comes to dentistry. Fear often stems from the unknown, so educate yourself about the procedures you will undergo. Ask your dentist to explain the steps involved and what you can expect during the treatment. Understanding the process will demystify it and help alleviate some of your fears.

Unlike many medical procedures, most of the time, the more you know about dentistry, the less frightening it is. For example, drilling into a tooth for root canal sounds intrusive and horrifying, however, in reality, it’s almost always a painless experience. But remember - when seeking information on what to expect, always speak with your dentist and don’t allow yourself to fall into the trap of scouring the web for answers.

5. Practice Relaxation Techniques:

Deep breathing exercises, meditation, or listening to calming music can work wonders in reducing anxiety. Practice these relaxation techniques before and during your dental appointment to help keep your stress levels in check. You might even consider using distractions such as audiobooks or podcasts during the procedure to shift your focus away from the dental chair.

Our motto at Paramount Dental Sydney is that patient care always comes first. And for this reason, from the second you enter our clinic to the second you leave, we aim to make you feel relaxed.

Our clinic is beautifully decorated, full of vibrant plants, cozy furniture, tranquil music, a relaxing aroma and screens containing images and videos of calming sceneries and landscapes. Even while having your treatment, relaxing music plays and there is a screen above you for you to watch whatever you desire while you receive your treatment.

6. Bring a Support Person:

Having a trusted friend or family member by your side can provide immense emotional support during your dental visit. Knowing that you have someone there to hold your hand, offer encouragement, or distract you from your fears can make a world of difference. Plus, sharing the experience with a loved one can help alleviate anxiety and turn it into a more positive event.

7. Explore Sedation Dentistry:

For individuals with severe dental anxiety, sedation dentistry can be a game-changer. Different levels of sedation, such as nitrous oxide (laughing gas) or oral sedation, can help you relax and feel more at ease throughout the procedure. Discuss these options with your dentist to determine if they are suitable for your specific needs.

8. Reward Yourself:

After completing a dental visit, reward yourself for facing your fear head-on! Treat yourself to something you enjoy, whether it's a favourite meal, a shopping spree, or a day at the spa. By associating positive experiences with dental visits, you can gradually reshape your perception of them and overcome your fears.

Feel comfortable at your next dental checkup

Oral health and hygiene are so important, which is why annual checkups are crucial. By following our top tips to get over your fear of the dentist, you can start to feel more comfortable about visiting the dentist and make sure your teeth are healthy and look great.

Visit Paramount Dental Sydney, where patient care comes first, and take advantage of:

  • A newly refurbished dental clinic next to Hyde Park in the CBD.

  • The very best dental specialists

  • Relaxing ambience within the clinic

  • Screens and music in all rooms

  • Top-of-the-line equipment

  • Sedation therapy available


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